From 1 July to 30 September from 2 pm. On July 9th Kick-Off where I will be present. You are very welcome at Dutch Luxury Design, Voorstraat 1 in Buren GLD/ NLD.
Under the name of Montijn Art painter Henk Montijn paints art with an expressionistic and sometimes abstract character. His work revolves around passion for emotion. The wall art that Montijn creates is available to purchase for private customers and businesses, but also interesting and available to art galleries. On this website you can see examples of Montijn’s works and read about the artist’s background.
The painting of Montijn Art
Passion, emotion and expression play a crucial role in the painting of Montijn Art. The liveliness and dynamics of the paintings are enforced by using glossy colours on a matte black background. Montijn is inspired by life. His paintings are an emotional representation of recognizable everyday themes, as shown by titles such as Turbulence, Everything in order, Chaos, Resignation, Dizzy, Desire and Arbitrariness.
Regardless of the painting you buy: the art will never bore you. Whether you are looking to buy wall art for your home, office or to display in a gallery: the right painting comes into its own in every environment. Everchanging reflections and effects occur under the influence of the incidence of light. This ensures art that keeps its attraction and really adds to the room.

Size: 100 (h) x 180 (b) cm
Material: Lacquer and acrylic on linen
Price: € 3.500,-

Size: 180 (h) x 100 (b) cm
Material: Lacquer and acrylic on linen
Price: € 3.500,-

Size: 180 (h) x 100 (b) cm
Material: Lacquer and acrylic on linen
Price: € 3.500,-

Size: 100 (h) x 180 (b) cm
Material: Lacquer and acrylic on linen
Price: € 3.500,-

Size: 100 (h) x 100 (b) cm
Material: Lacquer and acrylic on linen
Price: € 2.725,-

Size: 80 (h) x 180 (b) cm
Material: Lacquer and acrylic on linen

Size: 100 (h) x 100 (b) cm
Material: Lacquer and acrylic on linen
Price: € 2.725,-

About Henk Montijn
This website gives you a brief impression of Henk Montijn’s life and background. And the character traits and influences that inspired him to paint his emotional experiences in life. That alone, of course, is not sufficient to be able to create art. Naturally, one could say, Henk Montijn has been drawing and painting since his early youth. He also made artistic pen drawings as commissioned work for the Demir Halk Bank and the Sofia Dijkzicht Hospital. This allowed him to develop his creative abilities at an early stage. Hopefully, what you are about to read paints a good picture of his life as “youngest” artistic descendant of the Montijn family.
Are you interested in buying a painting?
Are you interested in buying a painting? You are more than welcome to contact Montijn Art. Purchasing art is a special moment. The wall art you buy is very personal. So the process of purchasing a painting should feel special too. Henk gladly reserves time to get to know you and hand over the artwork of your choice. He likes to make these moments special. If you are a representative of an art gallery, responsible for the purchases for the collection, you are also very welcome to contact Montijn Art and schedule an appointment.
Montijn Art, Jacob van Lennepkade 155H, Amsterdam. KvK nr.: 89204050. Atelier; Prins Bouwdewijnlaan 16, Kalmthout België. Tel. nr.: 0031 (0) 653560624. E-mail: info@montijnart.com